I cleaned off the top half of our refrigerator and created our "family work board". Right now, it just has the list of strategies that we're supposed to be working on for the week with each of his therapists, and also the summary sheets for the week and/or the handouts we get from them. I picked up the white board and the cork board at the Dollar Tree. I got this idea from Briggs' mom originally, and here's another great example from Aiden's mom. I really like Tammy's idea about the ling sounds, and moving them as you get a response to each one throughout the day. I hope to expand this area with other ideas. But for now, it helps us focus on our strategies for the week.

Also from the Listening Room, I found these two great posters. This one is for focusing on nursery rhymes and songs, and this one is a game for practicing the learn to listen sounds. We've really been enjoying these. Just today, when I started to sing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star," Lucas touched the star right away. I was so excited! Here are pictures of these two posters, that I've hung in our dining room and playroom, respectively.

We're also working really hard to condition Lucas to the Ling sounds. I feel we're past just waiting for a behavioral response (like Lucas looking up or pausing) and we should be able to get a conditioned response from him, like pointing to his ear or the sound association. I know it's possible, and Aiden has given me some extra motivation! So, I'm using 2 different activities to work on that. One activity is a meal mat from the Listening Room (there are 3 others, if you're interested). I learned about these from Alexander's mom, who apparently got it from Marielle's mom! I say the ling sound, put a piece of food on the appropriate picture, and say it again.. Sometimes I have Lucas try to put it on the right picture. He's been pretty accurate so far. Here's what it looks like:

Lastly, I've created quite a few experience books. Lucas's teacher of the deaf has talked about them, I saw some examples at Great Start, and also got ideas from Drew's mom and Peas' mom. I made two of them on Snapfish. They're the flipbooks - you can write one short sentence on each picture, and they're pretty cheap. The other ones I made with photo albums from the Dollar Tree and flashcards with great pictures on them. The two flipbooks are called "Let's go to the petting zoo" and "Let's go to the pool."

The other photo books are "Lucas & family," "my favorite things," "food and animals," "my body parts," and "Lucas' ABC book" (I ran out of pages, so I had to make 2 books). Here's what the books look like (inside too).

While I was looking for links to all of these resources, I found this new activity that I'm going to go print now. How fun! Another source that I'd like to check out is Tune Ups (again from the Listening Room). I called to order it when Drew's mom first posted about it, but it hasn't come yet, so I think my order got lost somewhere. I will have to try again.
Thanks to all of my blog friends for all of the wonderful ideas! Sorry for the super long post. I hope I was able to share some new ideas too! And, I think we're set for a while. Do you have any other ideas you'd like to share?
That is an awesome post! You put all the neat ideas into one area- I think I might have to bookmark it, lol.
You've been a very busy mama lately!
WOW!!! What lovely stuff! The Ling placemat is a great idea. Sometime soon I'll post about a Ling activity that our SLP does, involving one of those little plastic pill sorters and some puffy treats.
Let the fun begin! Wow, you have been busy! I love experience the experience books. Snapfish is a great site - don't forget to search for coupon codes!
You deserve an award for this post...and all your hard work!!
LOVE this post. I feel like we are all doing the same things at the same time. I am so thankful for my blog friends! WTG, Jennifer!
This is awesome! You sure have been busy and all with getting ready for a new school year too! Hats off to you my friend! I have the Snapfish experience books planned for this month, but I absolutely love the ones you made yourself for Lucas! Like Leah said, I'm booking marking this post so I can come back to it as time allows! I LOVE all this sharing of ideas!
um, wow. i can't believe how many great ideas are in this post!!!
up.It's so awesome to see all these ideas in one place! I have been keeping notes on a lot of the activites and blogs that you listed and her you have them all in one post! I will have to reference this one a lot! I haven't had a great SLP so I plant to do most of it myself and am super pumped to be at a seminar by David Sindry...so sure I didn't spell that right...on the 30th. I love the listening room and am sure to add a lot to our activity tub then! You are doing GREAT work with him!
Love, Love, Love the books. The ones I did for Jared and Allison were nothing like these. Way to go!!!
Lucas is truly blessed to have you for his mommy.
How has the 1st few weeks of school been for you?
Wow! I've been feeling like I've been in an AVT rut with Thomas. You have inspired me beyond belief...thank you, thank you for your post. It is so motivating...just what I needed! I just printed it so I can make some things for our little man.
Unflippin'believable post...amazing pix of the different types of books and how you've put them together...beautiful-I think it's going Italian *smile*
You are amazing, kiss that boy!
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