And Lucas is learning to drive? HA! No really, has it already been 5 months since Lucas was activated? I probably wouldn't have noticed, except that I glanced at the ticker at the top of the blog. I knew it would be good for something!
So far, the journey has been amazing... there's never a dull moment! I'm learning so much every day, and so is Lucas. And he never ceases to amaze me. He really understands a lot, so we keep feeding it to him. One of these days he'll belt out full sentences...
I'm so happy that I don't have to fight with him to keep his processor on. The only challenging time is in the car. He must get bored, and he always inevitably yanks it off and uses it as a chew toy. NO GOOD! And it's hard to drive and reach back and unclip it from his shirt and take it from him. I can't wait until that goes away. If that's as bad as it gets though, I can handle it!
As a wise CI mother once said, "it's a marathon, not a sprint!" It's the little things right now that count - like Lucas blowing kisses when I say, "blow mommy a kiss" (without modeling it). I can't wait to see what the next 5 months bring!
I can't believe it! Time is flying. Lucas is doing amazing!!
I bet the next five months bring a lot! We still battle the car situation, too (with hearing aids). Nolan rips them out and disassembles them, so for longer car rides we just take them out. I really hope that behavior stops soon! At least I have a tattle-tale in the back seat that informs me: "Mommy! Nolan take his hear-aid off!" Haha.
love it, and look at that hair growing!
I put a Hanna Anderssen cap on Ava whenever we go in the car. She doesn't touch her CI's when she has a hat on. But if I forget to put on the hat she makes a meal out of her processors lol.
Still working on keeping them on in the car here too. Actually, Aiden still rips them off at home here and there, but not near as much as he used to. and the funny thing is that when he does, he looks right at me, slowly reaches up, and pulls it off. Little s@*t. lol!
Happy five months hearing Lucas!
Every day truly is a miracle! Enjoy it all, the good, the not-so-good....it's all fabulous! I, too, look forward to the next 5 months!
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