I've been asked a few times why we're getting Lucas a hearing aid for his unimplanted ear. Today I got the hearing aid evaluation summary from CHOP, with a perfect explanation, so I thought I would share...
His left ear is not currently a candidate for sequential bilateral cochlear implantation due to surgical concerns. While a left ear hearing aid is not expected to match the benefit Lucas receives from his CI, current research demonstrates children with CIs can benefit from amplification in their contralateral ear. Benefits include potential for improved localization abilities, access to natural sound, greater ease of listening, improved performance in background noise, better music appreciation, as well as stimulation of his left auditory pathway.
Wow... SOOO well said. Love it.
When I think of bimodal kiddos, three very successful ones come to mind right away: Christian, Ben and Alexander.
I would still rather Lucas become bilateral instead of bimodal, but if he receives even one of the benefits above, it will be worth it.
LOVE the new layout!!!!I can't believe how big Lucas is getting and will add the new address to my Google Reader. Thanks for letting me know about the change!
I'll bet the hearing aid does help with localization and background noise. How long will it be until you get it? I bet he'll love hearing sounds in that ear again!
Very well said!! I've always been curious about bimodal, though it makes sense. Heck, if there is benefit to hearing aids before getting implanted even for the most profound losses, aiding his left ear can't hurt. Looking forward to seeing how it goes for him!
There are many benefits a HA offers that a CI doesn't. Glad you are able to do both!
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