Sunday, September 12, 2010


So much to write about, so little time. 

We are in a time of transition right now in our family. Nate and I have returned to work full-time, Lucas starts preschool 1 week from tomorrow, and we move in less than 2 weeks. Little Lucas is not sleeping so well, and I wouldn't be surprised if it lasts a few weeks until we get settled into our new home. 

The other night he woke up and toddled to the door (which he can't open) and said in the most clear, pleading voice: "Mommy, open the door, please." He repeated it several times. How can you resist that? When I opened the door, he said "I want sleep Mommy's bed." We don't do that very often, but I decided to anyway. He was not happy just sleeping in between us though, he insisted that I have my arms wrapped tightly around him. It was super sweet, but I realize that it's not normal behavior for him. All of these changes are taking a bit of a toll on him, I believe. And we haven't even started next week yet, when he starts school, has CHOP appointments, sleeps at Oma's house and moves to a new house. It won't be pretty, but this too shall pass.

We've been working hard on PT goals this month, which include jumping and doing steps independenty. We've spent lots of time at the playground, and I signed him up for a gym class through the winter. He can finally step between our dining room and our family room without holding on. Yay! Check it out! He's pretty proud of himself.

He continues to make language and speech strides, and I just get so fascinated watching him acquire new language and grammar structures. Can you say linguistic geek? I'll save those updates for another post.

For now, wish us luck with our move. We will have more time to ourselves after we move, right? We can only hope.


Julia said...

Ben has shown a little anxiety over the last week, what with all of his transitions -- I think that's very typical. Good luck with the move and everything else -- moving is always such an ordeal, but also exciting. For the longest time, I had a recurring dream, usually whenever I was facing some sort of transition in my life, and the dream involved looking for and moving into a new home. The details changed each time, but one thing that was constant in each dream was the two-fold emotions of stress and excitement, deciding where to put things, getting to stretch out in a larger space. I guess it kind've captures every big change in life. Let us know how it all goes!

Amy said...

He is such a happy kid I'm sure he'll breeze through all those transitions. He must be excited about getting a new room. Good luck with everything!

tammy said...

Change is never easy on the little ones, but hopefully once you all are in the new house Lucas will love all the newness and pick up on your excitement about it all.
Best of luck on the move. Moving's never easy or fun, but getting a new house is! Very excited for you all!

I was just thinking the other day too how I don't have many months left with Aiden before he starts preschool. I can't imagine being away all day from him and going back to work. They're growing up way too fast!

Emily said...

I've been following your blog for a while and I love reading about Lucas' progress! He is such a cutie!! My daughter, Sophie, is almost 6 months old and has bilateral profound hearing loss and I recently started my own blog to share my feelings and track her progress. Thanks for the inspiration!

Emily said...

I've been following your blog for several months and enjoy reading about Lucas' progress. He is a cutie!! My daughter, Sophie, has bilateral profound hearing loss and I recently started my own blog to share my feelings and track her progress. Thank you for the inspiration and good luck with your move!!

Ben's Mom said...

Lucas is doing so well! I enjoy keeping up with his progress. He is adorable, too. Good luck with the move!