Surgery started around 8, Nate and I went to surgery waiting, then I pumped and went to Au Bon Pain for breakfast, and returned in time for our first update. It's sooooo nice - they have nurses who go around to the operaring rooms hourly to give parents updates. I guess she wasn't allowed into Lucas's OR though because of the highlly sterile nature of the implant. But she called in and everything was going fine.
Shortly thereafter, the CI program social worker came to chat with us. Then the CI audiologist brought us the stuffed Cochlear koala (with a toy CI) and news that the surgeon had gotten a full electrode insertion and the implant was working well from his perspective. It's nice that they always test the implant before finishing up. We also chose a silver processor with a beige coil for him.

Lucas was discharged around noon and we were back in Lancaster by 2 or so. It was a pretty long night... Lucas and I slept on the couch together, because he wouldn't let me put him down. He also threw up twice from the anesthesia, surgery to the head, or a combination of both. We've kept him comfortable with pain medications and he has slept a lot in the past 24 hours. He's actually sleeping in my arms as I type right now. He really rallied today around noon, when my parents came to visit, playing on the floor. We got a little smile last night from Tickle Me Elmo, and a big smile later this morning when he saw one of our fluffy cats.
I took a picture of him with Kaci the koala, who also has a bandage on its head, just like Lucas!
We took the bandage off around noon. Surprisingly, he hadn't tried to pull it off before then. The nurses seemed to think it would be off before we left the hospital yesterday. There are no sutures, but rather dermabond holding the incision closed, which is nice, so that he doesn't pick at it, and no bacteria can get into it. He'll be on an oral antibiotic for the next 10 days to help prevent infection. Here's what the incision looks like. (And really messy hair, poor guy!)
It really has been a good experience, much better than anticipated. The hospital is top notch and took very good care of him, I am very pleased. I also think that he'll be back to himself tomorrow. Yay for a pretty quick recovery! Good news too - activation is 2 weeks earlier than expected... January 9. We are now combining our equipment orientation with the activation on the same day. Thanks Faith!!!!!!! Here's to our bionic baby boy. There's no looking back!
OH YEA!!! I am so glad everything went so well! I was thinking of you guys all day today! Now you're on the countdown to activation! Amazing ... just amazing!
Aw bless him! Glad the surgery went well! :) Hope the activation goes well! :D
So glad everything went so well. It sure brought back memories for me.
Activation in 2 weeks, that is awesome, we had to wait close to 4 weeks before we were able to get our daughters activated.
Hope things continue to go so well. He is well on his way to hearing. :-)
What a neat Christmas present! I'm glad surgery went well, and can't wait to read about activation!
What a cute little man you have!
Glad to hear surgery went well and hoping recovery went well for Lucas!
Activation day will be here before you know it!
So happy to read your blog and hear that Lucas' surgery went so well! The hardest part is over! It sounds like everything from the medical prespective went well and the incision in the picture looks wonderful as well!
What a handsome boy!
Now...activation countdown begins!
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